"Sour Milk Gill" Oil Painting by James Swanson

"Sour Milk Gill" Oil Painting by James Swanson
"Sour Milk Gill" From the award winning painting series.

Friday, July 4, 2014

A Dog Painting a Day for a Month

A Dog Day Month
 The Dog Days of Summer are upon us, and the Artist and the Traveler Artist James Swanson will be celebrating them by creating a dog painting a day for a month. Starting July 7,  James will be painting mans best friends from photos that are sent to him at 
You see a few months back James lost one of  his best friends and walking companion Amber, so he’s paying tribute to her and to others friends pets by starting this series of paintings. The paintings will be made into a small gallery exhibit, sale and a self published book with a portion of the proceeds going to local animal shelters. 

Want to be a part of the series? Here is what James will be looking for in the photos for it -

James is primarily landscape painter, so interesting landscapes with dogs will be nice to see, but he also enjoys painting portaits and slice of life scenes as well. So he’ll be open to may things. Please send a few photos of your mans best friend to give James a good selection to choose and work from. He will not be able to paint all the pets photos that are sent,  but will give it his all to make fabulous trbute of paintings. 

Send photos to - theartistandthetraveler@gmail.com 
Thanks and good painting!


20 Painting days into the month

Day 1 

The start of the painting.

About half way.

"Amber" 12"x16" oil by James Swanson
Dog Owner James Swanson

Day 2

"Atticus" 12"x16" oil by James Swanson
Dog Owner James Swanson

Day #3

"Hey There Dadio" 14x11 Oil painting by James Swanson
Dog Owner Cheryl Spran

Day #4 

"Bailey" 12" x 12" Oil painting by James Swanson
Dog owner Jackie Rosenfeld

Day #5

"Sheila" Oil painting by James Swanson
Dog owner Helmut Hudler
Day #6
"Bear" Oil painting by James Swanson
Dog Owner Pam Lopacki
Day #7

"Otter" !4" x11" Oil by james Swanson
Dog owner Eric Sandquist

Day #8

"Angela's Bailey" 12" x 16" Oil Painting By James Swanson
Dog owner Angela Espin

Day #9
"Kona" 12" x 16" Oil Painting By James Swanson
Dog owner Maggie Capettini Poplawski

Day #10

"Cowboy Bob"11" x 14" Oil Painting By James Swanson
Dog owner Jeri Davis

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Day #11

Day #11 "Zippy" 12"x16" Oil painting by James Swanson
Dog Owner Lorra Rudman

Day #12

Day #12 "Redbone" 14" x 11" oil
Dogs owner Karen Hoffman Button

Day #13
Day #13 "Stella" a 11" x 14" oil 
Dog owner Kate Donat.

Day #14
"Emma" Day #14 a 14" x 18" oil
Dog owner Tim Murphy

Day #15

Day #15 "Big Drake" 12" x16" oil
Drake's Owner is Sharlette Earles White

Day #16

Day #16 "Daisy" a 12" x16" oil
Dog owner Fran Kras.

Day #17

Day #17 in the dog painting adventure "Genevieve " a 9" x 12" oil painting.
Genevieve's owner Kathi Lynch-Parisi

Day #18

Day #18 painting "Hollie" a 14" x 11" oil.
Dog owner Rob McEwen UK

Day #19

Day #19 "The Temptation of Sparky" a 12" x 16" oil.
Dog owner Bob Baker

Day #20

Day #20 " Audrey" 12" x 16" oil 
Dog Owner Peggy Walter
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Day #21

Day #21 "Holly" a 12" x 16" oil 
Dog Owner Sharon Whitley

Day #22

 Day #22 "Shady" a 11" x 14" oil
Dog Owner Lora Spran

Day #23Sophie" a 11"x14" oil Dog owner Geri LaBarge

Day #24

Day #24 "Eddie" 16" x 12" oil
Eddie's owner Emilee McHorney

Day #25

Day #25 "Logan" a 11" x14" oil
Dog owner Ksenia Boitsova

Day #26

Day #26 "Austin's Sasha" a 14" x18" oilDog Owner Mark Stober
Day #27Day #27 "Saucy"
Saucy's owner is old friend Cathy Korenchan Phillips

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Have a good travel story and some fun and interesting pictures and we can get started on a painting journey.E mail me here with
name, place, and a few pics of the spot,and I'll get back to you.