"Sour Milk Gill" Oil Painting by James Swanson

"Sour Milk Gill" Oil Painting by James Swanson
"Sour Milk Gill" From the award winning painting series.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

White on White

"The White Church"
By James Swanson / Traveler Amber
22"x 28" Oil on Linen panel
Here is the Journey of this painting. Learn more about it below.

A warm walk on a cold day. 
The forecast called for snow and we got it. About 4" of the white stuff came down over night along with some cold temperatures.
Traveler Amber 
 But to our next Traveler that kind off stuff doesn't matter she's always prepared for it. And she should be because she's the family pet.
Pictures from that days walk. Fullersburg Woods
Amber is like the post office neither rain nor snow or (I think you get it) will keep her from her morning walks.
The Graue Mill

Amber is a wonderful companion to have on these walks. As she does her sniffing around I usually have time to stop and take a few pictures.

Salt Creek Dam
On this day Amber and I went down the road a bit to the forest preserve Fullersburg woods. On the short drive we passed a scene I've seen quite a few times and always wished I had my camera with me.
Faith Fellowship Church in Oak Brook Il
This time I did.
The Traveler painting "The White Church" Thanks to Amber I was able to see this view and knew it would make a nice painting.
Here are the steps to " The White Church"
The oil sketch on the canvas.
Even though there is a lot of white in this painting I still didn't
want to start with a white canvas. I rubbed in a mixture
of Burnt Sienna and drew in the paintings design.
The dark colors are painted in first. I almost always start this way.
 The darks in this painting are not a black kind of dark.
They are more of a mid tone type. They still have to separate into
warms and cools though.
I painted in the sky next to give me the relationship tone for the snow and lighter colors.
It was also important to work on the right softness to the tree line edge and the sky at that time..
The snow is painted in next. One of the thickest parts of the
painting are the light colors, and in this one there are a lot.
With the church and the houses painted in the canvas is totally blocked-in.
Now it;s time to make a few changes  to it.
Over all the painting need some warm ups. Here the snow gets a touch
 of warmth along with the church. I also went and cooled down the background trees.
They were coming forward to far in the scene.
Done. I put in some tracks in the snow to help lead the eye into the scene.

Details from the painting

Framed and ready to go.
"The White Church"
By James Swanson / Traveler Amber
22"x 28" Oil on Linen panel
I'd like to thank my dog Amber for getting me out on that cold day it was worth the frost bite. It has also opened my eyes to he beauty around me. Good Dog!
If any of you out there have your own journey that you would like to share contact me and Amber here or at www.theartistandthetraveler.org we are waiting to hear from you.
All righty then, off to my next spot to paint Talley Ho!

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Have a good travel story and some fun and interesting pictures and we can get started on a painting journey.E mail me here with
name, place, and a few pics of the spot,and I'll get back to you.