"Sour Milk Gill" Oil Painting by James Swanson

"Sour Milk Gill" Oil Painting by James Swanson
"Sour Milk Gill" From the award winning painting series.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Beginning of the Beginning - part 3 the finished piece

My Belgian artist friend Franklin offered up this terrific sun lit cafe photo from his travels. My painting class was a little scared of it so I broke down how I was going to go about creating the painting in last weeks blog. This week we get down and dirty and slap some paint around with my painting class.

Here is Franklins wonderful photo that we are working

            Franklin's original photo                            The photo with a few changes  for the painting.                            
Here's where we left off last week. Floor and chairs all in and waiting on the windows and people to show up.

Ah a room with a view finally, still waiting on the people though. 
The buildings outside the windows is painted in the same manor as the inside if not looser. the color of the sky and buildings is a bit darker i=than in the photo. I didn't want the contrast between the inside and the out to fight for attention, so knocking down the outsides color value helps do that. Also the paint edges are soft.
Alright end of class and for this painting I still have a few minor touch ups to do, but this is about it. 
The people have finally arrived. I teated them the same way as I treated a chair. (That sounds kind of rude doesn't it)
And here they are! These are some of the finished paintings from the class. They are all pretty good size too. The smallest one is a 16" x 12". This is always a real fun part of class seeing what everyone else has been up to.

And here is the class results on this painting!

Don and his painting. Very Homer like.
Karen and hers. She follows instruction very well.
Sabrina's painting. Holds together real well.
Ron's painting. Can feel the light in his. 
And Ellen, well she doesn't take directions well :)) She was out sick and felt to far behind so painting this scene in the 2 1/2 hr class.
"The Lonely Cafe"
24" x 18" Oil
By James Swanson  and Traveler Franklin
 Alright then off to our next challenge. Thanks agin to our good friend and Traveler Franklin for the painting inspiration. And a big thanks to my painting class for putting up with me and that floor in this one.

Check out more paintings from this painting project at www.theartistandthetraveler.org 
I'm always looking for new travelers for this project contact me at the website and maybe we can paint something together. See everyone on down the road!

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Have a good travel story and some fun and interesting pictures and we can get started on a painting journey.E mail me here with
name, place, and a few pics of the spot,and I'll get back to you.