"Sour Milk Gill" Oil Painting by James Swanson

"Sour Milk Gill" Oil Painting by James Swanson
"Sour Milk Gill" From the award winning painting series.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mmmmm Tasty!

" Loro Clock Tower"
By James Swanson/ Traveler Jim M.
8"x 10" Oil on Canvas
Welcome to Day Eight, of this 14 day Travel paint Special Edition of the Artist and the Traveler. This special project needs an special guest, meet our guide Traveler Jim M.!  
Travelers Jim M and wife Cathy
  In 2007 Jim and his wife Cathy took a 14 day trip to Northern Italy following the trail of PBS travel show host Rick Steves Italian journey to see the real Italy.
Exploring Loro Ciuffena( all photo are from Jim's web site about the trip.)
This Trip of Jim and Cathy's just gets better and better. From Venice, to Padua, To Ravenna, to Assisi. to Montoneto Orvieto, to Agriturismo, and now on to Loro Ciuffena, what more can we see?
The mill and falls in Loro Ciuffena
How about learning to make what Italy is famous for-Pasta!
Pamela teaches us to make pasta while Karin translates.

A "hand" coordinated effort
Traveler Jim M's journal story: Mid morning, we had a cooking demonstration where Pamela taught us to make pasta. 
 Typically, they just make the noodles, but since we had had noodles for an organized meal recently, Karin arranged for us to make Ravioli.   Karin translated as Pamela showed us how to make the pasta from scratch.

The result.  Our perfect ravioli.
We learned to roll the pasta out to the perfect thinness.  Then, we filled them with a spinach and ricotta mixture.  The key, we were told, is to make sure to seal the ravioli and get all the air out so they do not explode when they’re cooked.  We took turns rolling, filling, and cutting (my favorite part) to make several platters of ravioli.

To learn more about Jim and cathy's ravioli adventure go to Jim's website.

This is the photo of Jim's that I will be working
 with on day 8.
Traveler Painting "Loro Clock Tower":
I've been painting on this virtual trip for a week now, and I'm really starting to see bits of Italy everywhere. I even passed the Leaning Tower of Pisa on my way to the picture framers.
Leaning Tower in Niles Il.
This next painting I was a little nervous about, I thought it might be more than I could chew. I loved the color of this photo of Jim M's. I decided on this one to try and capture the oranges and the yellows of that late afternoon light. I knew if I got that right, everything else would be delicious to paint. The painting steps to Loro Clock tower.

" Loro Clock Tower"
By James Swanson/ Traveler Jim M.
8"x 10" Oil on Canvas

Each of the paintings in this series has to be able to stand on its own as an image. Now that being said, this is one of my favorites so far. I like the looseness of it, and the clean colors.
Thanks as always to our mighty Travelers Jim M. and his wife Cathy. How were those Raviolis anyway?
This is day Eight, of this 14 day painting journey of Northern Italy, here are the links to see the rest Venice, to Padua, To Ravenna, to Assisi. to Montone, to Orvieto, to Agriturismo.
Or go to The Artist and the Traveler.org to see them, and many more place and stories. New Travelers and stories are always welcome too! Until next time, Ciao!

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Have a good travel story and some fun and interesting pictures and we can get started on a painting journey.E mail me here with
name, place, and a few pics of the spot,and I'll get back to you.